
Project Organization


This doc explains how projects are organized and what all the files are and what they mean, using the example project from the Getting Started Guide.

Root-level Files and Directories

.mock-data/Developers put their mock data in this directory. The SDK, when it generates mock data, will also put it in here
.vscode/Config to make working in Visual Studio code easier with RStreams
bots/All bots are in this directory
cloudformation/Additional CloudFormation templates that will be merged into the final stack go in this directory
lib/Standard directory developers will often use to put project-specific files within
node_modules/Standard Node JS location for downloaded 3rd party Node libraries
test/A directory for the projects unit tests
.env.devA dotenv property file for local config
.gitignoreIgnore certain files
.nycrc.jsonGenerates unit test code coverage using the popular Instanbul NYC library
package.jsonThe ubiquitous Node file containing NPM run scripts and your project’s dependencies
project-config-new.def.jsonRStreams Flow will soon release a new way of handling your project’s configuration, this is a preview of that feature
project-config-new.tsRStreams Flow will soon release a new way of handling your project’s configuration, this is a preview of that feature
serverless.ymlConfig used by the Serverless Framework to build and run with an RStreams-specific plugin
tsconfig.jsonStandard tsconfig file for typescript support
types.d.tsTop-level types used by soon to be released RStreams Flow project config feature
webpack.config.jsStandard webpack file to help in bundling builds